

Welcome To My Blog

As you may already know from my about page, I am currently a Master of Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo and a Software Engineer. My vision for this website is to use it as a platform for me to give detailed explanations, from a technical perspective, of some of the software engineering projects I have worked on, both individually and in a team setting, and a technical blog fits right into this vision. With this blog, I will make periodic posts on technical topics that interest me ranging from simple but often misunderstood concepts to high scalability concepts.

My technical goal, as a Software Engineer, is to build software applications and systems that scale really well. To accomplish this goal, I believe it is important for me to understand some key concepts and ideas that make scaling systems and applications a lot smoother. I will use this blog to reinforce these concepts to myself and also as an introduction to readers that may not be familiar with these concepts. I will not just touch on the theoretical aspects of these technical topics, rather I will give both a theoretical and a practical application of these concepts. I have found that the best way to understand a technical concept is to see the concept being applied to a real-life problem.

